Thursday, September 18, 2008

I just love kissing...

These photos were taken on our wedding day. I love them.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday the 12th

First... just let me say...

It's not Friday the 13th today. It's Friday the 12th. You'll see the importance here in a moment.

That being said, you should know that I had quite a rough morning.

I filled my coffee cup about 2/3 full and grabbed my backpack and purse and headed out to the car. Once in the car, I proceeded to put on lipstick in the dark. Normal occurrence... I do it everyday. When I was finished, I reached down for my coffee cup... and, it was vibrating. I thought that maybe the caffeine was just really, really strong. LOL... I was seriously perplexed. I flipped on the light and looked into the cup... Guess what I saw? My cell phone floating in the cup. No kidding. My cell is no longer operational. Not funny, huh? Thank goodness for the extra cell phone we have at home. duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At this point, I actually giggled and called myself a dumbass. Seriously, who does something like that? Just me... I feel quite certain!

I stopped at Speedway to get a 2nd cup of coffee. Got to work... opened the door and it was pouring down... Grabbed my umbrella... my purse... and reached across to the passenger seat for my backpack. And, as I pulled it across the console... I DUMPED my 2nd cup of coffee in the floorboard. The lid came off and all the coffee spilled out into the floor. I am totally NOT joking about this. I am the biggest DORK on the planet.

You'd think that it really was Friday the 13th. But... it's not. It's the Friday the 12th of September.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I was wondering how many of you like to cook. You know... come home from work, get out the ingredients and cook a "real" dinner? I'm not one of those women. I really don't like to cook and I hate to mess up the kitchen. If I cook, I have to do dishes, etc.

However, I really do like home cooked meals. Go figure.

So... here's the dilemma... my husband needs to eat healthier. He is struggling with processed foods. We need to cut out the grease and fat in the evening. His triglycerides are too high! He is not overweight and does NOT have high cholesterol. But, the doctor has given us a low cholesterol diet. For him to follow this diet, I need to cook dinner in the evening. UUggghhhh...

I'm going to do an internet search for low fat meals that won't require too much cooking. Let me know if you have any especially "tasty" meals that would be appropriate for out new food regimen.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I am in the CREATIVE zone...

I have officially found my scrapbooking mojo...

This is for you Ashley... Poker is a GOOD thing!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I've had some very normal hobbies for a long time...

I'm an avid reader. I love fiction and the way you get swept away with the characters. I laugh and cry right along with the protagonists in the stories.

I love {LOVE} papercrafting. I can never have enough patterned paper. Paint and ink make me so happy. I love the feel of completing a project. Sometimes, I can stare at a scrapbook page/project for minutes on end... congratulating myself on a job well done. You know the feeling, right? LOL

My husband has introduced me to some new hobbies. Hobbies that I would have never... NEVER... attempted prior to having Scott in my life. Seriously! I've learned to keep an open mind... and, I'm enjoying it!

I am learning how to fly giant-scale radio controlled aircraft. No kidding... I'm not very good at it. But, I aspire to do all the really cool tricks that make people clap and shake their heads in amazement. Until that time, I'll stand and stare at my husband's skill in awe! It's a very cool hobby.
I have become a very good poker player. I even keep a calendar where I mark Texas Hold 'em tournament dates. I play online... much more than I should. It is such a high to bluff someone out of a big pot or to get dealt AA and have an Ace hit on the FLOP.

I think the thing that I've learned over the last year or so... is not to limit yourself. Embrace what is new and exciting and never stop learning. There's a really BIG world out there and so much to experience.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

WOW... I guess I never realized...

That there are so many companies/websites looking for design team members. I'm really excited about future possibilities.

I'm making a commitment to myself and my creative side... I will strive to get on a design team. Just the thought of being able to share my ideas and art with people who appreciate paper crafting gets me excited.

My next project will be about my daughter's trip across the United States to attend a leadership camp in California. The wonderful people at the camp sent each child home with a cd that contained 6,196 photos.

I have more photos than I could have hoped for. I've attached a few below:

Swimming pictures... lots of action. I cannot wait to scrapbook these.

Rock Climbing... She made it to the top! GO... Kelsey!

Not exactly sure what this exercise was... but, the photo is spectacular!

I've got several ideas up my sleeve for these photos. I can't wait to share them with you.
